PinnedPublished inGeek CultureJust another Neural Network from scratch on Python — Simpler, CleanerOpen your favorite IDE and run the following code:Jun 7, 2021Jun 7, 2021
PinnedMap Sentinel-2 with Soil Properties: Step by Step GuideAll codes and files are available in Throughout the article, this link will be referred to as…Mar 10, 2024Mar 10, 2024
Pinned“Hello, World” of Remote Sensing, Hyperspectral, Multispectral ImagingAll codes and files mentioned in this article are available on GitHub: 9, 2024Mar 9, 2024
PinnedAn intuitive explanation of how meaningless filters in CNN take meaningful shapesPrerequisites: I need you to have some basic understanding of Convolutional Neural Networks. It is okay if you don’t understand the…Jun 20, 2021Jun 20, 2021
“Hello, World” of Machine Learning in 10 minutes (no installation required)What you need:Dec 19, 2022Dec 19, 2022
Feel Euler’s Number e with your programming sense — no equationSometimes programmers understand concepts better from code than from technical talks, or even worse — painful analogies.Jun 29, 2021Jun 29, 2021
Feel calculus with your programming senseI believe people who can code — have the ability to understand more complicated concepts than calculus. One reason there are many talented…Jun 27, 2021Jun 27, 2021
Normal Distribution — an intuitive introduction without mathI will try to keep this article free from equations and mouthful jargon— as much as possible. I, however, need you to at least have the…Jun 26, 2021Jun 26, 2021